
  • 发布时间:2024-03-31 17:49:51,加入时间:2017年01月11日(距今2851天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»漳州:龙文区香榭花都
  • 公司:漳州市鑫富润商贸有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:张先生,手机:13799820453 微信:zhangxiaolei089 电话:0596-6265557
,泉港区美孚齿轮油经销,晋江美孚齿轮油批发,美孚220号齿轮油总经销 齿轮油以石油润滑油基础油或合成润滑油为主,加入极压抗磨剂和油性剂调制而成的一种重要的润滑油。用于各种齿轮传动装置,以防止齿面磨损、擦伤、烧结等,延长其使用寿命,提高传递功率效率。齿轮油应具有良好的抗磨、耐负荷性能和合适的粘度。此外,还应具有良好的热氧化安定性、抗泡性、水分离性能和防锈性能。由于齿轮负荷一般都在490兆帕(MPa)以上,而双曲线齿面负荷更高达2942MPa,为防止油膜破裂造成齿面磨损和擦伤,在齿轮油中常加入极压抗磨剂,普遍采用硫- 磷或硫-磷-氮型添加剂。Mobil Super Gear Oil 600XP is an excellent gear oil with outstanding extreme pressure characteristics and carrying capacity. It is suitable for all closed gears with cycle or splash lubrication. This series of products are made of highly refined base oils and special additives such as antioxidant and anti-degradation. The Mobilgear 600 XP series aims to meet the changing needs of gearbox technology ahead of time. Gear box design techniques tend to use smaller gear box units to achieve similar power output.


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