MIPI C-PHY Tx一致性测试

  • 发布时间:2024-04-24 09:28:43,加入时间:2024年02月28日(距今380天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华区梅龙大道锦绣鸿都大厦1106
  • 公司:深圳市锐测电子科技有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:侯,手机:15115518911 电话:0755-27763886

MIPI D-PHY协议分析仪,MIPI D-PHY分析仪,DSI协议分析仪,DSI分析仪, CSI协议分析仪,CSI分析仪,DSI/CSI分析仪,MIPI C-PHY协议分析仪,MIPI C-PHY分析仪,MIPI C-PHY发射机测试,MIPI D-PHY/C-PHY发射机测试,MIPI D-PHY发射机测试,MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY协议分析仪,MIPI D-PHY/C-PHY发射机测试, MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY Analyzer, DSI/CSI Protocol Analyzer,

MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY DSI/CSI总线协议分析仪(Protocol Analyzer):

Introspect在2016年所推出的SV5C是业界一款能同时支持MIPI C-PHY与D-PHY的协议分析仪并支持CSI-2 / DSI-2封包解译,是SoC、Camera与Display领域的IC设计、系统整合、验证测试以及应用工程师,在进行MIPI

发射机与协议层验证除错时,不可缺少的仪器。可支持D-PHY 9Gbps和C-PHY 6Gsps的datarate.

The SV5C launched by introspect in 2016 is the only protocol analyzer in the industry that can simultaneously support MIPI C-PHY and D-PHY, and supports CSI-2/DSI-2 packet interpretation. It is an IC design, system integration, verification testing, and application engineer in the SoC, Camera, and Display fields, responsible for MIPI implementation

An indispensable instrument for transmitter and protocol layer verification and debugging. Supports a maximum datarate of D-PHY 9Gbps and C-PHY 6Gsps

MIPI C-PHY Tx一致性测试


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