DDR5 MR-DIMM Module Test

  • 发布时间:2024-03-05 16:47:58,加入时间:2024年02月28日(距今380天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华区梅龙大道锦绣鸿都大厦1106
  • 公司:深圳市锐测电子科技有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:侯,手机:15115518911 电话:0755-27763886

DDR5 RDIMM及支持下一代MR-DIMM单体测试验证系统 (DDR5 MR-DIMM Module Test System), 支持的速率可高达17.4Gbps.

Introspect目前针对DDR5 DIMM, DDR5 RCD, DDR5 DB的测试是具有行业垄断性优势的,也是Introspect认为此产品将来有机会成为所有产品线贡献度排名第一的测试方案。

As per the sales call this week, attached is the product brief for the M5513 DIMM tester. This product is available for sale already, and it's based on the SV7C under the hood. I personally looked at some of the performance characteristics yesterday with the Introspect R&D team, and it's truly outstanding. Compared to the Advantest High-Speed Memory (HSM) test system, it has at least 3x the bandwidth and is 3x more cost effective. So, let us work together and dethrone Advantest in the high-end DIMM testing market.

This product can be sold at CPU companies (e.g. Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, Mediatek), memory makers (e.g. Micron, Samsung, CXMT), server makers, PC makers, laptop makers (because the M5513 can test laptop memory form factors), and others. Please exercise your networks and become heroes for Introspect and for your own sales organizations.

DDR5 MR-DIMM Module Test


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