
  • 发布时间:2023-05-10 14:07:03,加入时间:2022年06月24日(距今978天)
  • 地址:中国»湖南»长沙:岳麓区咸嘉湖街道枫林二路36号会山家园7栋603
  • 公司:湖南群狼市场调研服务有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李女士,手机:13036788010 电话:0731-84260880


1. 目标受众:明确你想要了解哪个受众群体的满意度,例如消费者、员工或客户等。

2. 目标领域:明确你想要了解的是哪个领域的满意度,例如产品、服务、品牌等。

3. 调查问题:在设计问卷之前,先列出你想了解的问题,包括哪些方面的满意度需要被考虑,如产品品质、价格、服务质量、交货速度等。

4. 问题类型:确定你想要使用的问题类型,如单选题、多选题、填空题、滑块题等。

5. 问题顺序:把问题分成几个主题,按照主题的重要性和逻辑顺序进行排列。

6. 简明扼要:尽量使用简洁的语言,问题的表述要清晰简明,避免使用模糊的术语。

7. 避免主观偏见:问题的表述应该中立,避免包含主观判断或偏见,这可能会导致回答者的回答不准确。

8. 反问问题:设计一些反问问题来避免回答者的回答出现一成不变的情况。

9. 试用问卷:在正式发布问卷之前,建议先进行小规模的试用,收集和分析结果,根来进一步改进和完善问卷。


How to design satisfaction questionnaire

Designing an effective satisfaction questionnaire requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some tips on how to design a satisfaction questionnaire:

1. Define the target audience: Identify the group of people whose satisfaction you want to measure, such as customers, employees, or stakeholders.

2. Define the area of satisfaction: Identify the area of satisfaction you want to measure, such as a product, service, brand, or customer experience.

3. Define the survey questions: Determine what questions you want to ask in the survey, including what aspects of satisfaction need to be considered, such as quality, price, service, speed, etc.

4. Choose the question types: Decide which question types to use, such as multiple-choice, rating scale, open-ended, or matrix questions.

5. Organize the questions: Organize the questions into themes or sections, arranging them in order of importance and logical sequence.

6. Use clear language: Use clear and concise language to ensure that the questions are easily understood and avoid using ambiguous terms.

7. Avoid bias: Avoid biased or leading questions that might influence the respondent's answer.

8. Include reverse questions: Include some reverse questions to avoid respondents providing the same answer throughout.

9. Pilot test the questionnaire: Before launching the questionnaire, conduct a small pilot test to collect and analyze the results and refine the questionnaire accordingly.

Finally, a successful satisfaction questionnaire should be simple, unbiased, and effective. Through careful design and planning, you can collect accurate and valuable survey results that can help you make informed decisions and improve your business.


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