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LB02's mould


The seepage enunciator

安 装 使 用 说 明 书

Install the use booklet of directions

中 华 人 民 共 和 国


Shanghai chengbin vavle CO;LTD P.R.China


Hence the seepage enunciator is the device that issues the alarm when being used oil the soaking type power transformer type water-cooling with the multiple-unit tube but ware to occur the seepage to hinder

1. 型号含义  1. The model meaning

L   B   0  2

第2次设计 2nd design

报警器     Enunciator

渗漏       Seepage

2. 工作条件

2.  The work condition

2.1. 工作环境温度0℃~55℃。

2.1.  0℃~55℃'s work environment


2.2. 当空气温度为25℃时,


2.2. When the air temperature degree

is 25 ℃s high above in the sky ,

humidity is not very in 90%.

2.3. 海拔高度不超过2000米。

2.3.  The elevation height does not surpass 2000 meters.

2.4. 周围无剧烈震动和颠簸的场所。                   图1

2.4.  Surrounding inacute shake and place jolting.       The picture 1

3. 技术参数

3. The technology parameter

3.1. 产品外形尺寸:φ76×140。

3.1.  The product OAD : φ76×140.

3.2. 产品重量:1.5㎏。

3.2.  Product weight : 1.5㎏.

3.3. 渗漏液体容积为不超过50㎝3时报警。

3.3.  The seepage liquid volume is at 40 o'clocks to report to the police.

3.4. 接点容量:220V,AC 3A,DC 0.5A。

3.5. The contact capacity:220V,AC 3A,DC 0.5A.

4. 结构特点和工作原理

4. Structure characteristic and work principle

4.1. 本产品由法兰、壳体、浮筒、永久磁铁、隔板、干簧接点开关、接线盒等组成。参见图1。

4.1.  This product is by flange and shell aspect , float , permanent magnet , screen and dry reed contact open Guan forms by the wiring box etc See also the picture 1.

4.2. 当冷却器发生渗漏时,渗漏的液体流到壳体中,当渗漏的液体达到一定容量时,浮筒上升并带动永久磁铁上升,使干簧接点开关动作发出报警信号。

4.3. The liquid of seepage flows into the shell aspect when the chiller occurs the seepage , and when liquid when the seepage achieves the fixed capacity , the float moves upward and drives the permanent magnet moving upward , and makes futilely reed contact open close the action and issue the alarm Installation.

5. 安装

5. Installation

5.1. 安装尺寸参见图1。

5.1.  Installing the size sees also the picture 1.

5.2. 渗漏报警器应安装在复合管式水冷却器的水管和油管之间的空腔的下部,这样可使水管渗漏的水和/或油管渗漏的油能顺利地流到渗漏报警器中。

5.2.  The seepage enunciator should be installed in the multiple-unit tube type water-cooling but lower part of cavity  between the waterpipe and the oil pipe of ware , and can make so the oil of the water of waterpipe seepage and / or oil pipe seepage can flow into the seepage enunciator smoothly.

5.3. 电气接线方法见图2。

5.3.  The picture 2 is seen to the electric wiring method.

The picture 2



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