水手SAILOR 6330船用DSC中高频电台

  • 发布时间:2021-05-06 09:35:23,加入时间:2020年01月06日(距今1876天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»盐城:东台市东台镇电子商务产业园龙光西路1号
  • 公司:江苏安航船舶设备有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:吕经理 ,手机:18051396571 微信:a18051396599
  • 报价:10/台

丹麦水手SAILOR 6330船用DSC中高频电台 MF/HF DSC Class A 150W/250W 中高频电台

SAILOR 6320 MF/HF 250W DSC Class A


SAILOR 6320 MF/HF 250W DSC Class A

(1 channel watch receiver)

Basic system including:

- SAILOR 6301 Control Unit DSC Class A

- 6m 12 POL CAN cable (CU-TU)

- SAILOR 6363 MF/HF 250W Transceiver Unit DSC Class A

- SAILOR 6381 Antenna Tuning Unit

With your safety as our primary concern, the new

GMDSS-approved SAILOR 6300 MF/HF guarantees

a constant, secure link to the mainland and other

vessels from every corner of every ocean. Designed for

vessels operating in Sea Area 2 and beyond, and

packing our most advanced MF/HF technology, the

SAILOR 6300 MF/HF is a vital lifeline for all seafaring

vessels, whether they are large commercial vessels,

supply ships or trawlers.


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