
  • 发布时间:2022-09-29 08:54:57,加入时间:2019年04月23日(距今2144天)
  • 地址:中国»河南»新乡:河南省新乡市牧野区王村镇尚湾村309号
  • 公司:新乡市力威机械设备有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王经理,手机:15993054331 微信:a13598709617





This noon I saw ni Ping's program waiting for me, a shandong elder sister looking for a home story, his impression before the home is not spring is all over the mountains and fields of rape, there are 5 or 6 petals of the neat, every day can be happy, the home is not the winter feeling. Found home in Chongqing. South rapeseed is more, used to press oil, the residue used for organic fertilizer feed or animal feed.

We as a big acquisition point how to do fast loading. How to elevate rapeseed as an oil mill to the equipment. Fried rapeseed and how into the oil, artificial obviously not. Machines are needed to help.

Soft dragons. One can insert one end into a grain pile and hang the other end in a designated place. The material can be lifted and transported by turning on the power. The good thing about this machine is that it can bend. Can be made up to 25 meters, can help to lift materials in narrow environment. It can transport materials over long distances.

Because it's a closed hose, it can transport food and powder. If you need delivery, please call me


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