
  • 发布时间:2025-03-04 00:00:00,加入时间:2019年03月11日(距今2185天)
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  • 联系:余先生,手机:13802562274 微信:rhf998 电话:13829932274 QQ:154489269



Strong hook hair velcro

Hook hair with the same body Velcro introduction:

A: The hook-and-hair velcro is composed of a hook surface and a rough surface. The rows of hooks and rows of hair are neatly arranged. The folds can be glued together. It can also be applied to clothes, and medical supplies. There are some uses.

Two: hook hair with the same body, hook hair with the same Velcro (hook hair with the same body / hook hair with the same surface buckle)

Hook hair with the same side: the hook with the special professional technology is the same as the hook surface and a rough surface. The rows of hooks and the rows of hair are arranged neatly, and the folds can be bonded together to reduce the product volume. It does not occupy the space and maintains the functionality of the gluing. It is suitable for bundled products, such as wire straps, book straps, luggage straps, and zipper clips, etc. It is light and convenient.

Hook hair with the same body / hook hair with the same surface fastener tape: use the interactive weave method to woven the hook and the hair regularly on the same surface, so that the hook hair can be self-adhesive, easy to use and flexible, the same color, and save storage space. The surface is soft and not scratched, which can effectively reduce the wear on the outer layer of the clothes;

Hook hair with the same Velcro: can be used to make rope, zipper head, sofa, toys, shoes, handbags, crafts, lighting, Christmas gifts, medical equipment, electronic (computer) products, hardware and plastic products.


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