Hoffman 3-D脑模体,霍夫曼脑模体

  • 发布时间:2024-09-14 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年09月02日(距今2578天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙岗区沙平北路111号吉茂大厦608A
  • 公司:深圳为尔康科技有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:曾生,手机:15361860065 微信:zengxianghu1985 电话:0755-28896837 QQ:215620749

Hoffman 3-D脑模体,霍夫曼脑模体主要特点:


Anatomically accurate simulation of radioactivity distribution for brain SPECT and brain PET studies* and distribution of proton density and relaxation parameters for brain MRI studies


Simulates 4:1 uptake ratio (by partial volume effect) seen for normal gray and white matter in flow and metabolic studies


Single fillable chamber eliminates the necessity of preparing different concentrations of radioactivity


Fillable and solid defects for basil ganglia region available

Hoffman 3-D脑模体,霍夫曼脑模体

Hoffman 3-D脑模体,霍夫曼脑模体主要应用领域:


Evaluation of acquisition and reconstruction methods for brain ECT studies


Evaluation of 3-D reconstruction methods


Evaluation of 3-D attenuation and scatter compensation methods

-3-D SPECT, PET及MRI系统配准技术评估

Evaluation of 3-D SPECT, PET and MRI registration techniques



Hoffman 3-D脑模体,霍夫曼脑模体规格:

-模体圆柱部分内径:20.8 cm

Cylinder inside diameter: 20.8 cm

-模体圆柱部分内高:17.5 cm

Cylinder inside height: 17.5 cm

-可填充部分容积:~1.2 L

Fillable volume: ~ 1.2 liter

Hoffman 3-D脑模体

Hoffman 3-D脑模体™相关配件、附件:

Hoffman 3-D脑部模体固体缺陷模拟物套装(2)

3D Brain Phantom Solid Defects Set (2)



Hot and cold defects can be located in the basil ganglia region


Allows user to determine image shape of the defect

Hoffman 3-D脑模体,霍夫曼脑模体


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