美国心科Powerheart AED G3 电池

  • 发布时间:2024-09-20 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年09月02日(距今2578天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙岗区沙平北路111号吉茂大厦608A
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美国心科Powerheart AED G3 Automatic 原装原厂正品电池,Powerheart G3 AED的Intellisense电池

医疗级Intellisense®电池是Powerheart G3 AED背后的动力。这款可靠的电池在Cardiac Science严格测试,然后每天都在Powerheart G3 AED上进行测试,以确保准备就绪和功能正常。一旦Intellisense™耗材安装在Powerheart®G3中,AED就能提供多年无与伦比的性 能。事实上,每个Intellisense®AED电池都有四年的性能保证。此Intellisense锂电池适用于2004年4月12日以后发货的 Powerheart AED G3 9300E,9300A,9390E和9390A设备。





Powerheart G3 AED的Intellisense电池

Powerheart G3 AED的Intellisense电池


The medical grade Intellisense® battery  the power behind the Powerheart G3 AED.  This dependable,  battery is tested rigorously at Cardiac Science and then tested each day it is installed in your Powerheart G3 AED for presence and functionality to ensure readiness.  once Intellisense™ supplies are installed in your Powerheart® G3 AED delivers years of unmatched performance.  In fact, each Intellisense® AED Battery comes with a four year performance guarantee. This Intellisense Lithium Battery is for use in Powerheart AED G3 9300E, 9300A, 9390E, and 9390A devices shipped after April

For use with models sold from 2007 to current (please check the manufacture date on your device)


Color: Yellow

Weight: 1.65 lbs (0.75 kg)

美国心科Powerheart AED G3 电池


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