TheRadio Communications Test Set is a comprehensive radio transceiver test unit which covers the frequency range from 400kHz to 1GHz that provides AM, FM, and Phase Modulation measurements. Built-in audio generator covering 50Hz to 15kHz. Built-in CRT display for all measurement details. Simple color coded keys. Built-in help facility. Independent tuning for one and two port duplex systems. Built-in AF distortion, S/N, and SINAD measurements. Selective calling tones encoder/decoder including sub-audible frequencies. Twin 8-digit counter display for measuring af & rf signals. Soft key menu driven control.
回收电子测量仪器:网络分析仪,频谱分析仪,示波器,综合测试仪,电子校准件,蓝牙/WIFI测试仪,信号发生器,数字万用表,数字源表,噪声源,频率计,LCR数字电桥,GPS信号源,多功能校准仪,直流电源,电子负载,功率计,NI GPIB卡,音频分析仪,天馈线测试仪,耐压测试仪,变压器测试仪,色差仪,照度计,色彩分析仪,分光光度仪,光泽度计,亮度计,光衰减器,光功率计,光模块等等!