暑期大放假 彩虹滑道厂家促销 四季彩虹滑道特惠

  • 发布时间:2019-07-23 11:00:16,加入时间:2019年06月09日(距今1856天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:山东济宁
  • 公司:山东金耀工程机械有限公司,用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:赵,手机:15624090988 微信:jy15624090988 QQ:1156551527


Rainbow slideway project design will put safety in one place, gliding speed control, flying height, stop location and various climatic conditions, to ensure that tourists can glide safely.


Rainbow slideway is greatly affected by humidity and snow. Under the influence of rain and snow, the speed of sliding is accelerated, which is about 20% higher than that in sunny and hot weather. Therefore, the design of buffer length and speed reduction needs to be inclusive design and processing, and special design should be carried out according to customers'operational needs (such as four-season operation or single-season operation). Handle.


(1) Considering the changes of temperature and humidity all the year round, it is necessary to obtain the general conditions of rainy season and temperature, and to design slope and buffer.


(2) Acceleration and deceleration are guaranteed in extreme conditions, such as high temperature and sunny weather, and deceleration in rainy days.


(3) Acceleration and deceleration of gliding should be controlled within the range of 2-6m/s, beyond which caution should be taken into account, and the customer's endurance of stimulation should be taken into account.





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