Stace-Allen 芯轴涨套,外夹、内撑夹紧

  • 发布时间:2023-08-31 09:10:08,加入时间:2017年08月26日(距今2675天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»青浦:上海市青浦区
  • 公司:上海恒团工业设备有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:齐工,手机:17661658575 微信:kp15588051982 电话:021-61435920

Stace-Allen Chucks

High Quality

Custom Collet Chucks 


Over 60 years of experience flexing steel to grip piece parts

On site Engineering using Autodesk Inventor for full service design

Internal or External grip Collet Chucks

Air, Hydraulic or Drawbar actuation

Built-in actuating cylinders

Workholding is our only business. We are not a job shop.

Pull Back or Dead Length Systems

Radial Timing

Part Stops with Air Sensing for Part detection

Specially designed Systems to conform to complicated piece parts

Ideally suited for Grinding , Turning or Milling Applications

Combination Collet Centering and Compensating Chucking

Thru Hole Systems

Turnkeys with Machine Builders of your choosing

Machining Center Systems for Pallet or Tombstone Applications

Stace-Allen Workholding--Delicate as a Rose yet Rugged as a Rock



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