
  • 发布时间:2013-10-08 14:22:33,加入时间:2012年12月25日(距今4213天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»泉州:泉州市丰泽区东海大道东海湾东滨路宝德集团C座107
  • 公司:泉州市海科恩机械设备有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:小郑,手机:15260826766 微信:joycezzy524 电话:0595-36125206 QQ:2859602871

SAR Flotation Vest

•1.5英寸。 (2.54厘米)宽可调腰带和胸带,确保您在水中保持舒适安全
•最小15.5磅。 (69牛顿)浮力

Treat your hard-working crew to one of the most comfortable lightweight, warm-weather vests on the market when you keep Stearns® SAR Flotation Vests on deck. Each crew member will find these US Coast Guard-approved Type III PFDs equipped with all the features needed for a demanding day on the water. Strong mesh fabric on the back and shoulder allow the breeze to cool wearers on hot days, while the 62 sq. in. (400 sq. cm) of 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material SOLAS-grade 6755 on panels add visibility in the water and on the boat. With added comfort features like a rolled, stand-up collar, three adjustable belts and soft Aquafoam™ and durable Crosstech® Flotation Foams, your crew will insist on wearing these vests all day long.

•US Coast Guard-approved Type III performance
•62 sq. in. (400 sq. cm) of 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material SOLAS-grade 6755 on panels
•1.5-in. (2.54 cm) -wide adjustable belts and chest strap ensure you stay comfortably secure in the water
•Distinctive orange color alerts those nearby to the location of wearer
•Minimum 15.5 lbs. (69 Newtons) buoyancy
•TAA Compliant


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