科洁尔洗碗机除垢剂/Liquid Lime Scale Remover
The product is a kind of cleaning agent containing inorganic acid and organic acid. It can dissolves and removes the scale deposit inside the steamer, boiler, teapot, coffee pot, refrigerator and dishwasher machine fouling.
Filling the dishwasher tub with water, and add the product ofaqueous solution, then actuate the dishwasher to at 60 ℃ temperature and cycle for 15-30 minutes,then rinse to remove the scale.Cleaning the scale regularly , which can make the heater to play at the highest efficiency, and to save energy cost.
丽高从事多年洗涤化料的研发和生产,主要产品有:强力洗衣粉,增白洗衣粉,冷水洗涤剂,高效彩漂粉,高效氯漂粉,毛巾柔顺剂,织物柔顺粉,除锈中和酸剂,除锈中和酸粉,水质软化剂,去血渍洗衣粉,医院专用洗涤剂,医院专用强力洗衣粉,医院专用消毒粉,医院专用消毒剂,医院专用中和粉,除锈剂等 远销海内外,深受各界好评!