义乌市义乌二手空调出售 出租 转让 移机空调

  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3419天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418

本店專業空調出租=;‘出售。1P=;‘1.5P=;‘2P=;‘3P​‌‌各種品牌8成新以上=;‘各種價位原裝機器=;‘絕對省電=;‘供您選擇=;‘給您送貨上門=;‘家用空調=;‘空調是家用的保證質量=;‘所以家用的空調就是好=;‘寶貝跟圖片一樣的=;‘有需要的朋友電話聯系=;‘非誠勿擾包安裝=;‘整機保修一年義烏空調上門安裝 滿意付費 美的 格力 義烏二手空​‌‌調出售 上門送貨安裝
        義烏十年老店 安裝滿意後付費1.義烏市區免費送貨上門安裝2.有專業的安裝維修團隊 質保一年 3.每台調都經過消毒清洗不方便到店可聯系客服發圖片談價格=;‘也可來店挑選適。適合家庭 公司 工地等 量大從優。信用極好請放心購買
        各大品牌 美的 格力 志高 松下 適合工地 個人 公寓 公司 出租屋等。電話繁忙 請直接掃一掃下圖二維碼接添加微客服=;‘款式重多發圖片談價格 1-5P 櫃機 挂機 天井機=;‘保修期內上門維修

Our professional air conditioning rental =; 'sale. 1P=; '1.5P=;' 2P=; '3P' brand new and above =; 'all kinds of price original machines =;' absolute power saving =; for you to choose =; 'deliver home =;' home air conditioner =; 'air conditioning is the quality of the household =;' so home air conditioning is good =; 'baby is like pictures =;' need " A friend's telephone connection =; 'non sincere if you are the one to install the package =;' the whole machine warranty for one year, Yiwu air conditioner door installation is satisfied with the payment beauty of GREE Yiwu.

Yiwu ten years old store installed satisfaction after the installation of 1. Yiwu free door to door installation 2. professional installation and maintenance team to maintain a professional maintenance team for one year 3. every tune after disinfection and cleaning is inconvenient to the store to contact customer service to talk about price =; 'also can come to the shop selection. It is suitable for the home company. The credit is excellent, please be assured of the purchase

GREE's high quality Matsushita, which is famous for its brand names, is suitable for the rental housing of individual apartment companies. When the phone is busy, please sweep down the next two dimensional code and add the micro service =; 'the heavy hair style of the style is to talk about the price of the 1-5P telltale register


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