
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3419天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418

大型油烟机清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;油烟净化器清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;大型油烟管道清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;油烟机清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;风机清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;厨房清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;酒店清洗;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;烟罩表面、烟罩内的灯罩、运水系统、防火网、排烟口、以及灶台表面、酒店后厨烟道改造。主要承接;油烟机清洗安装维修、排气扇安装维修清洗、煤气灶清洗安装维修、厨卫电器清洗 专业油烟机清洗、排风扇维修电机更换风管安装/油烟管道清洗、煤气灶清洗 大型酒店设备清洗、厨房设备维修类;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;炮台灶维修;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;风机维修;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;炉灶维修;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;鼓风灶维修;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;大锅灶维修;义乌饭店;抽油烟机更换电机;油烟净化器维修。Cleaning large lampblack machine; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; cleaning fume purifier; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; large smoke pipe cleaning; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; hood cleaning; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace electric machine; fan cleaning; Yiwu hotel; lampblack the replacement of electric kitchen cleaning machine; Yiwu; hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; hotel cleaning; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; hood surface, hood shade, water system, fire net, smoke, and the stove surface, hotel kitchen flue transformation. Major undertaking; cleaning lampblack machine installation and maintenance, installation and maintenance of exhaust fan cleaning, gas stove cleaning installation and maintenance, kitchen appliances cleaning professional lampblack machine cleaning, fan motor maintenance replacement air duct installation / smoke pipe cleaning, cleaning cleaning, gas stove large hotel kitchen equipment maintenance equipment; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine replacement motor; battery range maintenance; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor fan; maintenance; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; stove maintenance; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine to replace the motor; blast stove maintenance; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine replacement of electric stove; maintenance; Yiwu hotel; lampblack machine replacement motor maintenance; fume purifier.


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