║3│,│等│;│水│司│家│2│通│*│小│公│1│安│專│及│廁│ │池│專│洗│通│ ║
║;│汙│各│=│道│;│庭│;│各│*│型│司│;│裝│業│化│所│疏│ │車│各│排│專║
║ │道│水│井│便│學│;│ │道│道│疏│世│ │電│改│水│;│水│;│;│道│道│道║
║通│通│道│=│;│等│店│通│ │通│設│先│道│修│,│務│拉│;│油│;│ │=│通║
║馬│清│疏│;│=│單│;│下│ │技│備│進│疏│,│專│!│汙│=│池│清│ │;│;║
║桶│理│通│化│;│位│=│水│ │術│,│的│通│ │業│ │水│;│;│理│ │高│=║
║:│。│清│糞│陰│的│;│道│ │,│采│大│:│ │水│ │泥│疏│=│化│ │壓│;║
║疏│ │理│池│溝│下│公│:│ │疏│用│中│我│ │電│ │漿│通│;│糞│ │清│疏║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │劑│用│6│的│盆│:│5│地│;│通│用│4│質│=│通║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │疏│專│;│各│,│疏│;│漏│頭│因│專│;│造│;│因║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │通│用│=│種│包│通│=│堵│發│水│用│=│成│清│為║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │各│疏│;│管│括│各│;│塞│等│泥│技│;│的│潔│抹║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │類│通│ │道│V│種│ │。│各│;│術│ │馬│球│布║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │蹲│機│疏│。│型│型│疏│ │種│=│設│疏│桶│等│;║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │坑│和│通│ │彎│號│通│ │原│;│備│通│堵│各│=║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │堵│專│蹲│ │和│的│浴│ │因│沙│,│地│塞│類│;║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │塞│用│坑│ │S│浴│缸│ │造│子│專│漏│ │軟│毛║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │疏│:│ │型│缸│面│ │成│;│業│:│ │硬│巾║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │通│使│ │彎│面│盆│ │的│=│疏│采│ │物│;║
╚═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╧═╝Professional pipeline dredging; =; dredging sewage pipes; =; high pressure cleaning of various pipes.
Special car sucking dung; =; cleaning up septic tank; =; oil tank; =; dredging sewer; =; dredging toilets; =; carrying sewage mud and chemical waste water service!
Professional pipeline modification, professional hydropower installation, hydropower maintenance,
1; =; pipeline dredging: our company has the world's advanced and large and medium and small pipe dredging equipment, using * * pipeline dredging technology, dredging all kinds of pipelines.
2; = =; dredge sewer: family; = hotel; = = company; = school and other units of sewer; urinal; =; sewer; =; kiln well; = septic tank and other sewer dredging and dredging; sewage pipeline dredging and cleaning.
3; =; dredge: dredge closestool because dishcloth; =; =; towel; toilet cleaning ball caused by all kinds of soft material blocking
4; =; dredging the floor drain: the use of special technical equipment, professional dredging due to cement; =; sand; =; hair and other causes of ground leakage.
5; =; dredging the bathtub basin: dredging various types of bathtub basin, including V shaped and S curved pipes.
= 6;; dredge pit: using special