
  • 发布时间:2024-08-20 11:59:48,加入时间:2011年06月28日(距今4841天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:宝安区福永街道怀德社区翠岗工业四区A17栋4楼
  • 公司:深圳市北欧检测技术服务有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:唐静欣,手机:18929357674 电话:0136-89578290 QQ:535024908


无线产品进入日本市场需要进行Janpan Telecom的型号核准(主要针对RF部分),现在深圳华检实验室可以完成此类测试认证,TELEC认证流程,需要提交资料及WLAN, Bluetooth测试认证简介如下:

1. TELEC认证流程(QQ或者Email:索取)

2. 无线通信设备TELEC 认证需要提交的资料

(1) Technical Type Specification Form

(2) Declaration of Quality Management System

(3) Letter of Quality Control Confirmation Method or Manufacturer’s ISO 9001 Certificate

(4) Letter of Construction Protection Confirmation

(5) Rated Power Declaration

(6) Antenna Report

(7) Test Reports (including Test Results, Test Setup Photos and Examinations carried out)

(8) (Block Diagram, Schematic Diagram, Bill of Material, Parts Placement, IC Data Sheets, Internal and External Photos, Product Description, User manual, Operational/Technical Description, Description of Pheripherals/Accessories)

(9) Label Information

  (Label Location, Label content)

If you act as agent or as authorized representative of the manufacturer:

(10)  Power of Attorney / Authorization Letter


3. WLAN, Bluetooth产品的TELEC认证



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