
  • 发布时间:2019-11-09 00:00:00,加入时间:2014年12月10日(距今3496天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»泰安:山东省泰安是泰山区长城路圣地公寓
  • 公司:山东微尔生物工程有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:付秀晶,手机:15376386186 微信:weiershengwu11 电话:0538-15376386-186 QQ:177683033

在家禽养殖上,使用加酶益生素,效果非常好的。据文献As the saying goes, life is a bad thing. I don't want to be a happy person to be silent, even if it takes courage to forget.As the saying goes, it can be put down. I think now that there is a beginning to take, should there be the consciousness of letting go­Being a person doesn't need to be stressful for yourself, and you feel that you're under a lot of stress. The whole day is unexamined.All I need to do is let go of my own vision and no longer constrain my spirit. I think I should be happy, right­Person's life is like a long journey, keep walking, will see all kinds of scenery, through many frustrations, if all went to see the past in mind heart, will increase a lot of extra burden for oneself, experience more rich, the greater the pressure, it is better to forget all the way along the way, always pack light. The past is gone, and the time cannot be turned back, except for the lessons learned.记载仔鸡日粮中添加益生素可提高肉鸡的日增重、饲料转化率及群体均匀度,预防和治疗鸡白痢等疾病。詹志春等(1993)报道,益生素可使肉鸡增重提高14.1%,料重比下降7.6%。于永波(1994)指出,35周龄蛋雏鸡日粮中添加益生素,使增重提高7.3%,料重比下降19.3%。死淘率下降36.4%。Georgia研究表明,益生素可使7~14周龄小母鸡群体均匀度提高28%~42%。田允波等(1999)在综述中也指出,益生素可预防和治疗鸡白痢,也可使蛋鸡的生产期平均延长32天,而饲料消耗和死亡率均明显下降。阎风兰等(1996)在肉仔鸡饲料中添加枯草芽抱杆菌使鸡肠道中乳酸杆菌数量增加,沙门氏菌数量减少,饲料转化率提高。

加酶益生素咨询热线:   qq:   付经理









8. 增加肉、蛋的品质风味,胆固醇含量下降20-40﹪保证健康纯正特点。


To haggle over every ounce, trivial as Chen sesame rotten millet, is the heart of ship, the boat of medium memory bearing, can let the pain of the past to the future. The old saying goes well: to be angry is to punish yourself for the mistakes of others. It is the people who are happy and relaxed that they are the ones who take the blame.


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