
  • 发布时间:2019-11-02 00:00:00,加入时间:2014年12月10日(距今3498天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»泰安:山东省泰安是泰山区长城路圣地公寓
  • 公司:山东微尔生物工程有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:付秀晶,手机:15376386186 微信:weiershengwu11 电话:0538-15376386-186 QQ:177683033




联系电话:   付经理






产品翻译资料:Take a good care

Whenever there is a student body not timely, you after work the first thing is to go to the student's dormitory students visiting the sick, be caring and attentive, take good care of you let wandering in a foreign land feel the warmth of the family. Tao xingzhi said," The real education is an activity of the mind, but it is only from the heart that it can reach the depths of the heart. Throughout the &; It is the perfect way to explain the meaning of this sentence to me, feel your temperature, and feel your breath.


In the face of the unknown journey, I always confused, stop, you always make me feel you bring me the positive energy to burn, the gloom for me, let me lost in the way to find the real you. You know my stubbornness and my persistence; You tell me: No matter how hard it is, how confused, when it comes to problems, you can't give up. Success is a lonely road. Learn to take it and practice it. No matter how hard it is, remember your choice and your choice. Throughout the &; It is your careful teaching that leads me to clear my mind in clutter, to summarize experience in failure, to think calmly in adversity. Give me the strength to free myself from the wings.


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