
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3419天)
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  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418








信息时代的经济竞争,是以消费者为核心,那么,作为一个有眼光和能力的消费者,就有必要把自己身边的消费者组织起来,带领大家一起与生产商共享财富分配。因为组织和管理了消费者,付出了劳动,就会有收益,这就是商业行为,所以这样的消费者,就是一个商人,因此叫微商。现在很多进入中老年的朋友都会出现不同症状的疼痛如颈椎病。。腰间盘突出。。强直性脊柱炎。。腰肌劳损。。骨质增生。。骨刺。。滑膜炎。。肩周炎。。网球肘。。半月板损伤。。坐骨神经痛。。颈椎腰椎管狭窄。。关节炎。。风湿痛。。落枕。。跌打损伤关节肿痛。。改善微循环。。调理静脉曲张等等Visible, in the current era of information economy, economic activity will be the core of consumers, micro business will become the darling of the times!

So, as a consumer, how to actively participate in the distribution of wealth to do a micro business­

Micro business is: to consumers as the object of business operators. Consumer focus on consumer

The manufacturer refers to the production of the production of products as the core.

Circulation refers to the circulation of sales channels as the core.

The wheel of history brings us into the information age, all of which are changing rapidly. Consumers a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment of the time has come, we finally have the right to speak.

In the era of information economy competition, is to consumers as the core, then, as a vision and ability of consumers, it is necessary to put their own side of the consumer organizations, leading everyone to share the wealth distribution and producer. Because the organization and management of the consumer, pay the labor, there will be benefits, which is the commercial behavior, so that consumers, is a businessman, so called micro business.

Now a lot of friends into the elderly will have different symptoms of pain such as cervical spondylosis.. Lumbar disc herniation.. Ankylosing spondylitis.. Lumbar muscle degeneration。。 Hyperosteogeny。。 Spur.. Synovitis.. Scapulohumeral periarthritis。。 Tennis elbow.. Meniscus injury.. Sciatica.. Cervical spinal stenosis.. Arthritis。。 Rheumatic fever。。 Have a stiff neck。。 Joint injury.. Improve microcirculation.. Regulate varicose veins, etc.


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