(3)居民‘;;;學校‘;;;醫院‘;;;賓館‘;;;工廠‘;;;開發區地下管道系統汙泥贓物清Our company specializes in providing professional engaged in municipal pipeline dredge pipe dredge ";;; high pressure cleaning;;;" the toilet to clear the toilet ";;;;;; clear the" toilet "pipeline;;;;;; smoke dung" septic ";";; dredging;; cleaning; oil pool; "pipeline cleaning;;;;;" septic tank cleaning, cleaning up the oil tank ";;; wastewater treatment;;;" silt removal, toilet dredge; toilet dredge) Qingtao septic tank sewage tank: septic tank ";;; sewage pool sewage is divided precipitation, and into the small matter" for anaerobic digestion of sludge;; construction; Qingtao septic tank sewage tank etc.. Main products: high pressure cleaning; pipeline; pipeline dredging; ';'; ';;;; mud removal; septic tank cleaning; oil tank;; "cleaning up";;; sewage treatment;; pipeline cleaning; ":
(1) our company has all kinds of cleaning pipeline pumping truck, dangerous chemical equipment,
Clean up all kinds of septic tank ";;;;;;" pool "; oil-water separation;; cylinder;;;" poisonous sewage mud.
(2) domestic waste;;; construction waste;;; industrial waste;;; landfill;
(3) residents';;;;; Hospital; school ''; ';;;; hotel;; system;; "factory sludge development zone of underground pipeline cleaning of stolen goods