义乌通风管道 空调管道 厨房排烟 油烟净化等制作与

  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3419天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418

义乌通风管道 空调管道 厨房排烟 油烟净化等制作与安装






四;;;空調通風管道,室內換氣;;;新風管道;;;各種排煙;;;排風管道的制作安 裝工程;

公司秉承質量第一,客戶第一,服務第一的原則,持續改善用戶滿意度,為客戶提供較優性價比的通風設備,歡迎您的來電!專業為食堂;;;工廠;;;學校;;;部隊;;;賓館服務專業竈具維修,炊具維修;廚具維修,蒸箱維修,燃氣竈維修,鼓風竈維修. 冰櫃維修 大型抽油煙機清洗維修,油煙管道清洗,大型油煙罩清洗及保養清洗風機,清洗淨化器。制作各種不鏽鋼廚房設備吹事設備。  Ventilation pipe;;; smoke exhaust pipe;; kitchen exhaust hood;; air conditioning pipe;; oil fume purification;; kitchen flue cleaning;; ventilation pipe custom made processing and installation of one-stop service.

Main business:

1;;; the company to undertake ventilation pipe engineering design;;; production;; installation and transformation (including noise) engineering;

Two;;; hotel;; canteen; engineering design and installation: kitchen exhaust hood type size;

Three;; all kinds of central air conditioning;; fresh air unit;; fan coil;; home air conditioning equipment installation and maintenance;

Four;; air conditioning and ventilation pipe, indoor ventilation;; fresh air pipeline;; all kinds of smoke exhaust; exhaust pipe production and installation works;

Companies adhering to the quality first, customer first, service first principle, and continuously improve customer satisfaction, to provide customers with better price performance of ventilation equipment, you are welcome to call! As a professional factory canteen;;;;;; school;;; force;; hotel service; professional cooking stove maintenance, maintenance; maintenance of kitchen gas stove, steamer maintenance, maintenance, maintenance maintenance of large blast stove. Freezer lampblack machine maintenance and cleaning, smoke pipe cleaning, large hood cleaning and maintenance cleaning fan. Cleaning purifier. Production of various stainless steel kitchen equipment blowing equipment.


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