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地毯除渍剂批发 高泡地毯清洁剂生产厂家

  • 发布时间:2024-02-22 11:18:16,加入时间:2014年04月26日(距今3957天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广州市白云区均禾街萝岗耙田头路15号A栋一楼
  • 公司:广州市丽高洗涤用品有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:彭经理,手机:15322052874 电话:020-36743705
以下是科洁尔地毯除渍剂 的说明。
Carpet Decontamination agent地毯除渍剂 
地毯除渍剂为地毯特殊污渍清洁剂,专业用于地毯上的茶渍、血渍、咖啡渍、果汁渍等污渍的清除,地毯除渍剂 去渍力强,效果显著。
Thisproduct is a special carpet stain cleaningagent, professional in the removal of the carpet teastains, blood stains, coffee stains, fruit stains and otherstains,the effect of  the stainremoval  is remarkable.
Spray the productdirectly on the carpet spots,(before washing,please make sure the carpet is non-fading in thenon-perceivable place)about.3-5minuteslater scrub it by small brush then dry it by clean cloth or the vacuum cleaner.


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