114. 115.116.117 低抗压强度高可钻性的及软地层,如粘土.泥岩.疏松砂岩.
The bits are used to drill low-compressive strength,soft formations. Long projection tooth lengths are used on high offset cones to provide the greatest penetration rates possible. Wear-resistant hard facing is used to control tooth wear.On the softest bi types this hard facing completely covers the bit teeth 0.35---0.8 低抗压强度高可钻性的及软地层,如泥岩.石膏.盐岩.软页岩.软石灰岩
Soft formation with low compressive strength and high drillability. Such as sandstone, anhydrite, salt, shale, limestone. 0.3---0.9 低抗压强度高可钻性的及软至中软地层,如中软页岩.硬石膏.中软石灰岩.中软砂岩和有硬夹层的软地层
Soft to medium formations with low compressive strength, such as shale, anhydrite, sand and so on for soft formation 0.33--1.0
216.217 低抗压强度的软到中等地层,如中软页岩.中软石灰岩.中软砂岩.和有硬夹层的软地层
Soft to medium formations with low compressive strength, such as shale, anhydrite, sand and so on for soft formation 0.4---1.0