M8 Connectors

  • 发布时间:2022-11-14 08:40:22,加入时间:2013年03月28日(距今4351天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»徐汇:上海松江高科技工业园涞寅路1881号5号楼二层
  • 公司:上海科迎法电气科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:胡工,手机:18217539767 微信:kyf763372625 电话:021-64822118 QQ:914953688

Automation A wide range of metric M8 connectors for small sensors and actuators. Shielded and IP-rated to IP 67, these connectors are ideally suited for industrial control networks where small sensors are required.Plastic or metal shellsMetal housing with 360° EMI shielding3 or 4 contactsDegree of protection IP67 Contacts have screw or solder termination

•Schraubverriegelung nach DIN EN
•Schutzart IP65/IP67)
•Am Kabelangespritzte Ausführungen
•Einfache Montage
•SehrguteEMV Eigenschaften
 (360°SchutzbeiSchirmring Version)
•Ausführungen mitSchirmringen/Irisfeder
•Winkelsteckverbinder in 4Positionen einstellbar


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