
  • 发布时间:2018-02-23 13:40:07,加入时间:2012年09月13日(距今4391天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市宝安区龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-6
  • 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:姚红娟,手机:13510169620 电话:0755-83598906 QQ:1946418560
Agilent彩色LCD显示   具有不同波形选择的自动设置功能   探头选择指南,保证正确的探头使用   内容相关在线帮助   11种波形参数自动测量   更简单的用户界面-***常用的功能都放在前面板, 使用更加方便,比如,单次按钮,默认设置按钮。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 性能的增强:   具有高级触发功能,包括脉冲触发及可选场 (奇偶)选行的视频触发,也包括外触发。   FFT标准配置   触发频率读出   USB接口标准配置   使用简易性的增强: ++++++++++++++++++ Agilent LCD color displayWith different waveform selection automatic setting functionProbe selection guide, ensure the correct use of the probeContent related to online helpThe 11 waveform param eter automatic measurementA simple user interface - the most commo nly used functions are placed on the front panel, the use of more conven ient, for example, a single button, the default button.Performance enhan cement:Higher bandwidth, faster sampling rateAdvanced trigger function, including pulse triggering and places ( parity ) selected row video trigger, including the external trigger.The FFT standard configurationTrigger freque cy readoutUSB interface standardEase of use of the enhanced. Agilent彩色LCD显示   具有不同波形选择的自动设置功能   探头选择指南,保证正确的探头使用   内容相关在线帮助   11种波形参数自动测量   更简单的用户界面-***常用的功能都放在前面板, 使用更加方便,比如,单次按钮,默认设置按钮。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 性能的增强:   具有高级触发功能,包括脉冲触发及可选场 (奇偶)选行的视频触发,也包括外触发。   FFT标准配置   触发频率读出   USB接口标准配置   使用简易性的增强: ++++++++++++++++++ Agilent LCD color displayWith different waveform selection automatic setting functionProbe selection guide, ensure the correct use of the probeContent related to online helpThe 11 waveform param eter automatic measurementA simple user interface - the most commo nly used functions are placed on the front panel, the use of more conven ient, for example, a single button, the default button.Performance enhan cement:Higher bandwidth, faster sampling rateAdvanced trigger function, including pulse triggering and places ( parity ) selected row video trigger, including the external trigger.The FFT standard configurationTrigger freque cy readoutUSB interface standardEase of use of the enhanced.


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