
  • 发布时间:2016-01-20 13:33:39,加入时间:2014年12月12日(距今3745天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室
  • 公司:深圳前海众合恒达科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李 小姐,手机:15106022007 QQ:1787508885

李 小姐





Apiezon High Vacuum Sealants, Lubricants and Etch Resist 
Apiezon is a range of high vacuum greases, vacuum sealants and lubricants that are favoured around the world because of their quality, consistency and excellent performance in vacuum applications. Waxes, etch resist and AP201 vapour booster pump fluid have also been developed as part of the Apiezon range.
Apiezon High Vacuum Greases
Apiezon is proud to offer the most comprehensive range of high vacuum greases available from a single manufacturer. The range now includes our new grease PFPE 501. It delivers the quality and reliability synonymous with the Apiezon brand and is the perfect addition to our range. 
The Apiezon hydrocarbon based high vacuum greases are silicone-free and highly resistant to creep. These vacuum greases are suitable for use in a range of temperatures and applications. They have had proven success around the world including use by NASA, the UK Military and leading vacuum equipment manufacturers.
PFPE Vacuum Grease
Apiezon PFPE 501 is a chemically inert, high temperature and extreme pressure lubricant. With an upper operating temperature of 250°C and vapour pressure of 1.3 x 10-12 at 25°C, it is robust, versatile and can be used for sealing and lubricating under the most extreme operating conditions.
Apiezon Vapour Booster Pump Fluid
Apiezon AP201 is the leading vapour booster pump fluid and has been proven to be far superior to other competing, lower quality oils. Its superior stability and high degree of oxidation resistance make AP201 the ideal choice for rapidly achieving a higher ultimate vacuum.
Apiezon Waxes and Q Compound
Our 3 waxes and Q Compound are globally renowned for their quality and versatility. They can be used as semi-permanent or permanent mounting media or vacuum sealants. Apiezon W Wax is also chemically resistant and has a successful track record as an etch resist product. The waxes are all easy to use and have powerful gettering qualities.
At the Apiezon Online Shop you can purchase Apiezon high vacuum greases, including our brand new Apiezon PFPE 501 grease; Apiezon Wax W sticks and Apiezon Sealing Compound Q, directly from the manufacturer M&I Materials Ltd.
Goods are normally despatched the next working day for orders received before 2.00pm standard time (GMT), Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Here you can buy a maximum of 5 products on any 1 order. This can comprise tubes of Apiezon grease, 1kg tins of Sealing Compound Q or packs of 3 Apiezon Wax W sticks. For larger quantities or any of the other Apiezon products please contact us directly.


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