
  • 发布时间:2015-12-18 13:25:06,加入时间:2014年12月12日(距今3745天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室
  • 公司:深圳前海众合恒达科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李 小姐,手机:15106022007 QQ:1787508885

AKRON消防炮  3443  mecury nozzles喷嘴 style 4445  Deluge Tip雨淋头 STYLE 489  

The Akron Style 3443 Mercury Quick Attack Monitor is designed to provide efficient trouble-free operation for many 


Mercury Quick Attack Portable Firefighting Monitors

- Compact size & weight 
- Rated flows up To 500 gpm (1900 lpm) 
- 6 psi friction loss at 500 gpm 
- Quick deployment 
- Better ground stability 
- Unmanned use 
- Rotation +- 20° 
- Elevation 30° to 60° unmanned, and down to 20° when manned

Design your own combination by choosing from these product options:

- Storage Bracket 
- Stacked Tips Style 2420 
- Deluge Tip Style 489 
- SaberMaster Nozzle 1545 
- Mercury Nozzles Style 4445, 4447


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