
  • 发布时间:2021-10-22 11:57:36,加入时间:2013年10月12日(距今4054天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:济宁市高新技术产业开发区7号
  • 公司:配件销售中心, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:小小,手机:13173457021 微信:Cat0829 电话:0537-3280000 QQ:2798112746

Cummins Fuel Systems designs, develops and manufactures new fuel systems and remanufactures electronic control modules in the United States. In Mexico, it remanufactures Cummins and other's fuel systems. This business serves engines ranging from 9 to 78 liters.
CFSW provide employees with competitive salary and pay endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, injury insurance, birth insurance and housing fund. The company also provide supplemental benefits: commercial medical insurance, personal insurance, serious illness insurance, commercial medical insurance for spouse and child,  abroad travel insurance, annual physical inspection, lunch, shuttle bus, annual vacation, sick leave with salary, education imbursement , etc.


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