RSD胸部模体,ART Phantom

  • 发布时间:2024-07-29 08:33:27,加入时间:2012年07月03日(距今4619天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 公司:深圳市湾边贸易有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:张雪凤,手机:13714972229 微信:wanbian-B 电话:0755-86216601 QQ:1191737095
Lung/Chest Phantoms. RSD胸肺模体 Stock # Description RS-310 Lung/Chest Phantom with permanently sealed diaphragm RS-315 Lung/Chest Phantom with permanently sealed diaphragm and left coronary artery RS-320 Lung/Chest Phantom with removable diaphragm, lung pair insert without coronary artery. RS-330 Lung/Chest Phantom with removable diaphragm, lung pair insert with coronary artery. RS-340 Lung pair insert without coronary artery. RS-345 Lung pair insert with coronary artery. International CALL for pricing on all phantoms shipping overseas Nuclear Medicine Heart/Thorax Phantoms. RSD核医疗心脏/气管喉部模体 HEART/THORAX PHANTOM (Includes items RS-801 through RS-810) tock # Description RS-800T Heart/Thorax Phantom (includes RS-801 through RS-810) RS-801 Thoracic Cavity with bottom place (price if sold separately) RS-802 Non-perfusable lungs (pair) RS-803 Perfusable Lungs withstyrofoam beads (pair) (price if sold separately) RS-804 Heart with 3 hollow defects in myocardial wall-standard sizes (price if sold separately) RS-805 Liver Shell-ONLY. (price if sold separately) RS-806 Chest Overlay (price if sold separately) RS-807 Removeable breast with set of tumors (price if sold separately) RS-809 Set of 10 threaded nylon support rods (price if sold separately) RS-810 Set of 5 external fillable markers (price if sold separately) RS-811 Tumor ONLY, with rods, Specify size of tumor: 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm (price is per tumor) RS-900T Head with transparent brain shell containing striatum RS-901T Transparent brain shell with striatum RS-542 Thyroid Phantom without Head; Consists of neck, hollow thyroid, cover, a portion of the cervical spine, sternum and clavicles RS-545 Thyroid Phantom with head; same as RS-542 but with head and full cervical spine RS-543S-T Thyroid-hollow, shell RS-543A-T Thyroid-hollow, active Mammo II Phantom. RSD乳房乳腺模体 A Mammography Teaching/Training Phantom Stock # Description RS-750 MAMMO II Phantom w/stand & carrying/storage case RSD Sectional Phantoms. RSD截面模体 Anthropomorphic Body Sections With Applications Throughout The Field Of Radiography Stock # Description RS-108 Opaque Head, with complete cervical spine (C1-C7) RS-108T Transparent Head, with complete cervical spine (C1-C7) RS-109 Opaque Head, without cervical spine RS-109T Transparent Head, without cervical spine RS-110 Opaque Head, with 5 step wedge & resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm), without cervical spine RS-110T Transparent Head, with 5 step wedge & resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm), without cervical spine RS-111 Opaque Thorax RS-111T Transparent Thorax RS-113 Opaque Pelvis RS-113T Transparent Pelvis RS-114 Opaque Hand / Wrist (Natural position, Right or Left) RS-114T Transparent Hand / Wrist (Natural position, Right or Left) RS-115 Opaque Hand / Wrist (Oblique position, Right or Left ) RS-115T Transparent Hand / Wrist (Oblique position, Right or Left ) RS-116 Opaque Foot / Ankle (Natural Position, Right or Left) RS-116T Transparent Foot / Ankle (Natural Position, Right or Left) RS-117 Opaque Foot / Ankle (Plantar Flexion, Right or Left) RS-117T Transparent Foot / Ankle (Plantar Flexion, Right or Left) RS-118 Opaque Knee, Right or Left RS-118T Transparent Knee, Right or Left RS-119 Opaque Knee (90 deg. Flexion), Right or Left RS-119T Transparent Knee (90 deg. Flexion), Right or Left RS-120 Opaque Elbow (natural position), Right or Left RS-120T Transparent Elbow (natural position), Right or Left RS-121 Opaque Elbow (90 deg. Flexion, Right or Left) RS-121T Transparent Elbow (90 deg. Flexion, Right or Left) RS-122 Opaque Complete Arm / Shoulder RS-122T Transparent Complete Arm / Shoulder RS-123 Opaque Leg / Hip RS-123T Transparent Leg / Hip International E-Mail/Call for pricing on all phantoms shipping overseas


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