“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照。CE代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)。凡是贴有“CE”标志的产品就可在欧盟各成员国内销售,无须符合每个成员国的要求,从而实现了商品在欧盟成员国范围内的自由流通。
1. 确认出口国家
2. 确认产品类别及欧盟相关产品指令
3. 指定“欧盟授权代表(欧盟授权代理)”
4. 确认认证所需的模式(Module)
5. 自我声明模式或必须通过第三方认证机构
6. 建立技术文件及其维护与更新
EECLow voltage
EECSimple pressure vessels
EECSafety of toys
EEC Construction products
EECElectromagnetic compatibility
EECPersonal protective equipment
EECNon-automatic weighing instruments
EECActive implantable medical devices
EECAppliances burning gaseous fuels
92/42/EEC Hot-water boilers
93/15/EECExplosives for civil uses
93/42/EEC Medical devices
94/9/EC Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
94/25/EC Recreational craft
96/48/EC Interoperability of the Trans-European high-speed rail system
96/98/ECMarine equipment
97/23/EC Pressure equipment
98/79/ECIn vitro diagnostic medical devices
99/5/EC Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment
99/36/EC Transportable pressure equipment
ECCableway installations designed to carry persons
ECNoise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
ECInteroperability of the trans-European conventional rail system
ECMeasuring Instruments