
  • 发布时间:2024-09-30 10:33:48,加入时间:2024年09月25日(距今151天)
  • 地址:中国»河南»郑州:513, TOP ENTERPRISE, NO.
  • 公司:河南琅瑞化工有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:Nancy ,手机:19603937327 电话:0393-4636771 QQ:2869202193

Product Name: 🏆 Ester Alcohol C-16/2.2.4-Trimethyl-1.3-Pentanediol Diisobutyrate
Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid
Molecular Formula:C16H30O4
Molecular weight: 286.4
CAS No. : 6846-50-0
Customs code:2915 6000
🌲 Application:
1. This product is used in PVC plastic solvent, can reduce the viscosity of the solution, while increasing the stabilitly of the solutionvis . Easy to mix with PVC resin, meanwhile to save time before the injection, extrusion, because of viscosity reduction in PVC solution, not easy to mix air bubbles, to maintain the finished product appearance and smooth.
2. This product is used in PU elastomer, with viscosity reduction, increase flexibility, reduce costs and so on. The plastics industry has recognized a variety of properties that it can help the preparation of plastic sol.
3. Also can be applied to ink, pigments and EVA emulsion.



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