• 发布时间:2025-01-06 10:21:33,加入时间:2022年09月20日(距今904天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»闵行:上海市闵行区民仙路86号
  • 公司:上海工品实业有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:郭,手机:13564830031 电话:13464830031



E53.N51-204H10   E53.N68-284H10   E53.N76-404H10   E53.N51-154H10

E53.N68-204H10   E53.N76-304H10   E53.N51-124H10   E53.N68-154H10

E53.N76-244H10  E53.N51-753H10  E53.N68-104H10   E53.N76-154H10

E53.N51-503H10  E53.N76-104H10  E53.N51-383H10  E53.N68-503H10

E53.N76-753H10  E53.N51-303H10  E53.N68-403H10  E53.N76-603H10

E53.N68-683H10  E53.H59-503T10  E53.M59-104T20  E53.P59-204T20

E53.Q59-254T20  E53.H59-333T10  E53.M59-683T20  E53.P59-124T20

E53.Q59-154T20  E53.R60-204T20  E53.H59-303T10  E53. 59-603T20

E53.P59-104T20  E53.Q59-124T20    E53.R60-144T20

E53 capacitors have a particularly low series resistance and high pulse strength; they are especially suited for the damping of GTO thyristors and low-inductance buffer circuits with high rms currents. Along with their very good ratio of capacitance to volume, these capacitors do also have very good self-healing characteristics without loss of capacitance. Their very low self- inductance makes them suitable for use in high-current applications with medium frequencies. Connection is made through robust terminals with internal thread.


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