
  • 发布时间:2024-08-21 09:12:30,加入时间:2024年05月27日(距今108天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»莆田:新涵工业区67号
  • 公司:涵江区中路通配件厂, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:鲍,手机:13386901285 微信:Lutong13386901285 电话:0594-3600039







1、机油压力传感器压力与输出电压成线性,压力从 0 到 10 bar,输出电压从 0.5 到 4.5伏。

判定故障方法:先点火开关打到“OFF” ,拔下机油压力传感器线束插头,再将点火开关打到“ON” ,测定其插头的 3脚(A24)与搭铁间电压是否为输入电压(大约为 4.5~5V),4脚(A44)与搭铁间的电压是否为零。

如果测量结果偏差较大,则说明线束状态有问题,或是 ECU 的输出电压有问题。

We will also focus on some of our standard products such as Hydraulic Head And Rotor assembly, fuel injector nozzle, feed pumps, common rail diesel and many more. That is why we would like to invite you to come over to have a look at our great booth. It is the perfect opportunity 8AUGK to get to know each other better and learn more about what we have to offer you.

Your presence will do us great honor and we are looking forward to seeing you.

On behalf of China Lutong Machinery Works Co,.Ltd., we sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at Automechanika Istanbul 2023 from 8th to 11th of June 2023. Our information about this event is as follows,

China-Lutong is one of the professional Chinese companies in the distribution and manufacturing of parts, components and equipment for diesel fuel injection systems. Based on the principle of honesty, credibility and mutual benefit, our company always adheres to promote mutual advantage through joint efforts.

If you're participating, we'd love to see you there. Visit us at our Booth C170 in Hall 11A at the Tüyap Fair Convention & Congress Center. We hope to establish a long-term business relationship between our two companies.


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