进口电动V型球阀 调节型 开关型 电动旋转阀

  • 发布时间:2024-06-17 09:20:14,加入时间:2021年07月20日(距今1302天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»金山:上海市金山工业区亭卫公路6495弄168号5幢(时
  • 公司:裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:林人杰,手机:13681812199 微信:Fawkes021 电话:021-31265665 QQ:1500380785


功能介绍 Function introduction


retz The imported electric V-shaped ball valve (adjustment type, switch type) adopts a movable valve seat structure loaded with leaf springs, and the valve seat and ball will not have problems such as jamming or detachment, with reliable sealing and long service life. The V-shaped ball valve core is designed with a V-shaped notch with a special switch, which has high flow capacity, low pressure loss, and precise interception and control functions. The flow characteristic is approximately equal percentage

进口电动V型球阀功能介绍 Function introduction

进口电动V型球阀(调节型,开关型)采用硬密封、四氟密封,配用角行程电动执行机构输入(4-20mADC或1-5VDC 信号及单相电源即可控制运转,实现对进口电动V型球阀2.jpg压力、流量、温度、液位等参数的开关或调节 retz The imported electric V-type ball valve (regulating type, switch type) adopts hard seal and tetrafluoro seal, and is equipped with angular stroke electric actuator input (4-20mADC or 1-5VDC signal and single-phase power supply to control the operation, so as to realize the switch or adjustment of pressure, flow, temperature, liquid level and other parameters

设计特色 Design features

1、采用带有V型切口的球芯结构,当阀在关闭时,可以剪切介质中纤维、微小颗粒,同时由于阀芯和阀座之间是无间隙回转,可自行擦拭球体及阀座上的积垢物,保持球体与阀座之间的良好密封 The ball core structure with V-notch is adopted. When the valve is closed, the fiber and small particles in the medium can be sheared. At the same time, because the valve core and valve seat rotate without clearance, the dirt on the ball and valve seat can be wiped by itself to maintain a good seal between the ball and valve seat

2、采用带弹簧或板簧加载阀座结构,由于弹簧/板簧的弹性恢复力推动阀座,可使球芯与阀座之间长期具有良好的密封性能。同时由于阀座采用弹簧加载的活动结构,可使阀座自动校正,以达到与球芯的精密吻合 The valve seat structure is loaded with spring or leaf spring. Because the elastic restoring force of spring/leaf spring pushes the valve seat, it can make the ball core and valve seat have good sealing performance for a long time. At the same time, because the valve seat adopts a spring-loaded movable structure, the valve seat can be automatically adjusted to achieve the best fit with the ball core

3、具有出色的调节特性:V型球阀具有一个近似等百分比的固有流量特性及高达300:1的可调比。因此V型阀可以在广幅的变化范围内提供精确的控制 It has excellent regulation characteristics: V-shaped ball valve has an approximate equal percentage of inherent flow characteristics and an adjustable ratio of up to 300:1. Therefore, V-shaped valve can provide precise control in a wide range of changes

4、流动大容积:由于它的流线型外形以及满直角回转控制缘故,使容积的值特别高,流通能力特别大,流通阻力小,因此可以使用较小的更加经济实用的阀门尺寸 Maximum flow volume: due to its streamlined shape and full right-angle rotation control, the maximum volume is particularly high, the flow capacity is particularly large, and the flow resistance is small, so a smaller, more economical and practical valve size can be used

5、V型球阀采用双轴承结构,机械稳定性能高,启动扭矩小,保证了阀门具有极好的灵敏度和感应速度 V-type ball valve adopts double-bearing structure, with high mechanical stability and small starting torque, which ensures that the valve has excellent sensitivity and sensing speed

6、可靠(安全)性:阀体为一个整体,坚固耐用,操作不受管道压力影响,并可避免阀体渗漏 Maximum reliability (safety): the valve body is integral, firm and durable, the operation is not affected by pipeline pressure, and can avoid valve body leakage

7、金属阀座的优越密封性:V型球阀采用可动金属阀座,自助补偿功能,并具有优越密封性能及超长的使用寿命。在流向上,泄漏量≤10-6×额定流量系数 Superior sealing performance of metal valve seat: V-shaped ball valve adopts movable metal valve seat, self-help compensation function, and has excellent sealing performance and long service life. In flow direction, leakage ≤ 10-6 × Rated flow coefficient

8、高超的剪切能力:V型球阀采有金属硬密封结构,V型球阀芯及金属阀座在回转过程中,V型缺口与阀座产生一个强大的剪切力能切断纤维等杂质,并具有自洁功能,避免阀门卡死现象发生 Ultra-strong shearing ability: V-shaped ball valve adopts metal hard sealing structure. During the rotation of V-shaped ball valve core and metal valve seat, V-shaped notch and valve seat produce a strong shearing force to cut off impurities such as fiber, and have self-cleaning function to avoid valve jamming

进口电动V型球阀技术参数及性能 Main technical parameters and performance

公称通径DN         25      32      40      50      65      80      100    125    150    200    250    300    350    400

额定流量系数Cv   32      43      78      90      160    250    360    610    1120   1850   2950   3700   7195   11466

公称压力     PN1.6、2.5、4.0、6.4MPa

强度试验     2.4~9.6MPa

密封试验     1.76~7.0MPa

流量特性     近似等百分比、直线特性

阀板转角(度)     0°~至90°(可调)

允许泄漏量等级     软密封:零泄露

硬密封:≤额定Cv×0.001%     软密封:VI微气泡级,金属密封:≤额定CV×0.065%

动作时间(S/90度)       8.5~30        36~60

可调节比     250:1  300:1

基本误差     全行程的≤±2%

回差   全行程的≤±2%

死区   全行程的≤0.8%

输入信号     4~20mA DC

输出信号     4~20mA DC

进口电动V型球阀 调节型 开关型 电动旋转阀


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