进口PVC陶瓷芯三通球阀 塑料L型陶瓷球阀

  • 发布时间:2024-06-17 09:14:57,加入时间:2021年07月20日(距今1302天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»金山:上海市金山工业区亭卫公路6495弄168号5幢(时
  • 公司:裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:林人杰,手机:13681812199 微信:Fawkes021 电话:021-31265665 QQ:1500380785


进口PVC陶瓷芯三通球阀基本参数 Basic parameters

功能介绍 Function introduction

工况1:AC通,BC不通 Working condition 1: AC on, BC off

工况2:BC通,AC不通 Condition 2: BC on, AC off

期间:AB一直不通 Period: AB has not been available

氧化铝陶瓷芯特点Alumina ceramic core features

耐久用,轻扭矩,硬密封,耐腐蚀 Durable, light torque, hard sealing, corrosion resistance

陶瓷球芯经1680℃超高温烧结而成 The ceramic ball core is sintered at 1680℃

采用刚玉陶瓷,ALO含量≥95%  Adopt corundum ceramics, Al Ogcontent ≥95%

陶瓷球硬度HRA≥85° Ceramic ball hardness HRA≥85°

耐酸碱性∶常温下对各种无机酸、碱稳定 Acid and alkali resistance: stable to various inorganic acids and alkalis at room temperature

碳化硅阀芯特点Silicon carbide core features

质量轻、高硬度、耐磨损:碳化硅球芯经2200℃以上超高温烧结而成,硬度≥HRA90  Light weight, high hardness and wear resistance: silicon carbide ball core is sintered at super high temperature above 2200 ℃, hardness ≥ HRA90

耐高温:在1500℃的高温环境下也不会反应◎化学稳定性好,耐酸碱腐蚀性优良在HF酸或5mol/L HNO3中依然保持稳定  High temperature resistance: it will not react under the high temperature environment of 1500 ℃ ◎ Good chemical stability, good acid and alkali corrosion resistance, stable in HF acid or 5mol/L HNO3

具有优异的导热性,热膨胀性低:在急冷急热的环境下不易崩裂 It has excellent thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion: it is not easy to crack in a hot and cold environment

低摩擦系数:具有优良的干润滑性,启闭更轻松 Low friction coefficient: excellent dry lubrication, easier to open and close

进口PVC陶瓷芯三通球阀基本参数 Basic parameters

规格尺寸Specification and size:1/2~2-1/2"(内螺纹、胶粘)

塑料球阀阀体为PPH或"UPVC"材料,金属球阀阀体为316不锈钢材质,采用浮动球直通结构 The plastic ball valve body is made of PPH or "UPVC" material, the metal ball valve body is made of 316 stainless steel, and the floating ball straight-through structure is adopted

塑料阀体:工作温度0-60℃,工作压力0-1MPa,EPDM和FFKM橡胶密封材质可选 Plastic valve body: working temperature 0-60 ℃, working pressure 0-1MPa, EPDM and FFKM rubber sealing materials optional




④ 陶瓷球芯(刚玉陶瓷氧化铝)




进口PVC陶瓷芯三通球阀 塑料L型陶瓷球阀


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