MIPI C-PHY Pattern Genera

  • 发布时间:2024-04-28 10:47:39,加入时间:2024年02月28日(距今380天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华区梅龙大道锦绣鸿都大厦1106
  • 公司:深圳市锐测电子科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:侯,手机:15115518911 电话:0755-27763886

MIPI D-PHY/C-PHY码型发生器,MIPI C-PHY接收机测试,MIPI C-PHY接收机一致性测试,MIPI C-PHY信号发生器,MIPI C-PHY发生器,MIPI C-PHY Generator, MIPI C-PHY Pattern Generator, MIPI C/D-PHY接收机一致性测试, MIPI C-PHY信号质量测试,MIPI D-PHY接收机测试,MIPI D-PHY接收机一致性测试,MIPI D-PHY信号发生器,MIPI D-PHY发生器,MIPI D-PHY Generator, MIPI D-PHY Pattern Generator, MIPI C/D-PHY接收机一致性测试, MIPI D-PHY信号质量测试

MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY多通道码型产生器(Pattern Generator):

Introspect是MIPI Alliance的Contributor, 是目前针对MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY测试完整的方案提供商,可支持D-PHY v3.0  9Gbps和C-PHY 6.5Gsps的datarate.

Generator支持高速多通道测试,支持从物理层至协议层功能性的测试,支持CTS (Comformance Test Suite)测试,支持抖动、Skew、电压幅值、故障注入,时序以及MIPI alliance针对D-PHY/C-PHY所规范的符合性CTS测试项目均可完成。

Introspect is the Contributor of MIPI Alliance, currently the most complete solution provider for MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY testing worldwide, and also the manufacturer with the highest market share. It can support data rates of D-PHY v3.0 9Gbps and C-PHY 6.5Gsps

The generator supports high-speed multi-channel testing, functional testing from the physical layer to the protocol layer, CTS (Comfort Test Suite) testing, jitter, Skew, voltage amplitude, fault injection, timing, and MIPI alliance compliance CTS testing for D-PHY/C-PHY specificationsAll projects can be completed.


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