RETZ瑞茨品牌 进口气动陶瓷双闸板闸阀

  • 发布时间:2024-06-14 15:01:50,加入时间:2021年07月20日(距今1302天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»金山:上海市金山工业区亭卫公路6495弄168号5幢(时
  • 公司:裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:林人杰,手机:13681812199 微信:Fawkes021 电话:021-31265665 QQ:1500380785

The imported pneumatic wear-resistant double gate valve adopts a double valve plate seal, and the sealing surface adopts a hard alloy friction pair or toughened ceramic friction pair structure, with strong wear resistance, good sealing performance, and no dust accumulation or jamming phenomenon
进口气动陶瓷双闸板闸阀性能参数 Performance description
采用双闸板结构,可双面密封或单侧密封 Double ram structure is adopted, which can be sealed on both sides or on one side
独特的单侧阀板开孔技术,更利于大颗粒物料输送 The unique single side valve plate opening technology is more conducive to the transportation of large particles
密封填料采用耐磨耐高温氟橡胶密封组件,耐温高达450度 The sealing filler is made of wear-resistant and high temperature resistant fluororubber sealing components, and the temperature resistance is up to 450 degrees
密封面采用耐磨硬质合金材料或耐磨增韧结构陶瓷,硬度可达60~70HRC retz品牌 The sealing surface is made of wear-resistant cemented carbide or wear-resistant toughened structural ceramics, with hardness up to 60~70HRC
密封面采用全陶瓷或全合金覆盖,耐磨面积提高200-300%,使用寿命提高3-5倍 The sealing surface is covered with all ceramics or all alloys, the wear resistance area is increased by 200-300%, and the service life is increased by 3-5 times
进口气动耐磨双闸板闸阀技术参数Technical Parameters
公称压力(Nominal Pressure)∶1.0MPa
密封试验(Leakage test pressure)∶1.1MPa
强度试验(Maximum test pressure)∶1.5MPa                                                          
DN40-DN400全系列进料阀、出料阀和平衡阀覆盖 DN40-DN400 full series feed valve, discharge valve and balance valve cover

RETZ瑞茨品牌 进口气动陶瓷双闸板闸阀


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