进口气动衬氟球阀 防腐 耐酸碱 化工专用气动球阀

  • 发布时间:2024-06-14 15:01:43,加入时间:2021年07月20日(距今1302天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»金山:上海市金山工业区亭卫公路6495弄168号5幢(时
  • 公司:裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:林人杰,手机:13681812199 微信:Fawkes021 电话:021-31265665 QQ:1500380785

(防腐,耐酸碱)进口气动衬氟球阀由气动活塞式执行机构和衬氟O型球阀组成,阀芯采用衬氟圆柱型通孔球体和软密封阀座。球阀体内壁和金属阀内组件衬有耐腐蚀、抗老化的聚全氟乙丙烯(F46),因而具有耐腐蚀性能良好、抗老化性能高、寿命长、流阻小、流通能力大等优点retz The imported pneumatic fluorine lined ball valve (anti-corrosion, acid and alkali resistant) is composed of a pneumatic piston actuator and fluorine lined O-shaped ball valve. The valve core adopts a fluorine lined cylindrical through-hole ball and a soft sealing valve seat. The inner wall of the ball valve body and the inner components of the metal valve are lined with anti-corrosion and anti-aging poly (perfluoroethylene propylene) (F46), so it has the advantages of good corrosion resistance, high anti-aging performance, long service life, small flow resistance, large flow capacity, etc
进口气动衬氟球阀产品详情 Product details
(防腐,耐酸碱)进口气动衬氟球阀靠旋转阀芯来使阀门畅通或闭塞的,阀芯和阀体内侧全部采用氟塑料制成,与液体接触部分全部为氟塑料,是专门为控制各种强腐蚀性介质的启闭而进行设计的球阀,其具有开关轻便,体积小,密封可靠,结构简单,维修方便,使用范围广等优点 RETZ (Anticorrosive, acid and alkali resistant) The imported pneumatic fluorine lined ball valve uses the rotary valve element to make the valve unblocked or blocked. The valve element and the inner side of the valve body are all made of fluorine plastic, and the parts in contact with the liquid are all made of fluorine plastic. It is a ball valve specially designed to control the opening and closing of various strongly corrosive media. It has the advantages of light opening and closing, small volume, reliable sealing, simple structure, convenient maintenance, and wide range of use
阀腔内全衬PTFE/F46具有极高的化学稳定性,抗强酸强碱腐蚀 Fully lined PTFE/F46 in the valve chamber has extremely high chemical stability and is resistant to strong acid and alkali corrosion
防静电处理,阀杆防爆出装置,保证系统安全 Anti static treatment, explosion-proof valve rod outlet device, ensuring system safety
启闭件球体与阀杆铸(锻)为一体,避免了由于压力变化引起阀杆冲击承压件内的可能性 The ball of the hoist and the valve rod are cast (forged) as a whole, avoiding the possibility of the valve rod impacting the pressure parts due to pressure changes
采用全通径结构,阀门可在整个压力范围内进行无泄漏关闭,更便于管路系统的通球扫线和管路维护 With full bore structure, the valve can be closed without leakage within the entire pressure range, which is more convenient for ball sweeping and pipeline maintenance of the pipeline system
阀体内腔空间小,减小了介质滞留,加之人字环形PTFE填料组合,使阀门达到零泄漏 The inner space of the valve body is small, reducing the retention of the medium. In addition, the herringbone ring PTFE packing combination makes the valve reach zero leakage
进口气动衬氟球阀性能参数 Performance description
公称通径DN(mm) 15~300 执行器型号 AT系列单双作用气动执行器
公称压力(MPa) PN1.0、1.6 MPa 供气压力 0.4~0.7MPa
阀体形式 两段式阀体(浮动球体、固定球体) 气源接口 G1/4"、G1/8"、G3/8"、G1/2"
连接形式 法兰式 环境温度 -30~+70℃
阀芯形式 "O"型球形阀芯 作用形式 单作用执行机构、双作用执行机构
密封填料 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) 可配附件 定位器、电磁阀、空气过滤减压器、保位阀、行程开关、阀位传送器、手轮机构等
流量特性 近似快开型 采用新型气动执行器,有双作用式和单作用式(弹簧复位),齿轮齿条传动,安全可靠;大口径阀门采用系列AW型气动执行器拔叉式传动,结构合理,输出力大,有双作用式和单作用式。
动作范围 0~90°
泄露量Q 软密封:零泄漏
适用温度 ≤180℃
基本误差 带定位器:小于全行程的±2%
死区 带定位器:小于全行程的2%
可调范围 250:1
配置执行机构 AT系列单双作用气动执行器
控制方式 开关两位控制、4-20mA模拟量控制
进口气动衬氟球阀技术规范 Technical specifications
设计标准:HG/T、3704,GB/T 12237、API 6D
结构长度:HG/T、3704,GB/T 12221、ASME、B16.10
法兰形式尺寸:HG/T、20592,GB/T 9119、ASME B16.5,JIS B2220
检验与试验:GB/T 13927,JB/T 9092、API 598
适用温度(℃):GXPO:-10~80℃  FEP:-30~150℃  PFA:-30~200℃

进口气动衬氟球阀 防腐 耐酸碱 化工专用气动球阀


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