
  • 发布时间:2024-02-07 23:53:47,加入时间:2015年12月22日(距今3193天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:华强北振华路高科德电子交易中心62875室
  • 公司:深圳市兆瑞芯电子有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
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20W氮化镓过认证方案, IN3251+IN1311M+LT2620APXX+EE1510 四大件1.XXRMB,60V同步,优势方案,高性价比,稳定供货


IN3251G is a highly integrated current mode

PWM controller, optimized for high performance,

low standby power consumption and wide output

voltage range charger and adapter solutions. The

circuit is as well compatible with cost effective

offline flyback converter applications covering a

wide output range.20W氮化镓过认证方案

At full loading, the IC operates in fixed

frequency mode. When the loading goes low, it

operates in Green mode with valley switching for

high power conversion efficiency can be achieved

in the whole loading range.


IN3251G offers complete protection coverage

including cycle-by-cycle current limiting (OCP),

overload protection (OLP), over temperature

protection (OTP), output short current protection

(SCP), output and VDD over voltage protection

(OVP & VDD OVP). Excellent EMI performance is

achieved with INOCHIP proprietary frequency

shuffling technique. The tone energy at below

22KHz is minimized to avoid audio noise during

operation., IN3251+IN1311M+LT2620APXX+EE1510 四大件1.XXRMB,60V同步,优势方案,高性价比,稳定供货

IN3251G is offered in SOP-7L package.


 Multi-Mode Operation

 The internal maximum quasi-resonant(QR)

frequency is designed 143kHz

 Valley switching operation @ Green mode

 Burst Mode @ Light Load and No Load

 Adaptive loop gain compensation with Iovp

current detection

 Ultra low operation current at light and no load

 Internal OCP compensation for universal line


 Extend burst mode control for improved

efficiency and low standby power

 Frequency shuffling for EMI

 Audio noise free operation

 Comprehensive protection coverage

 VDD under voltage lockout with hysteresis



 Cycle-by-cycle over current protection (OCP)

with auto recovery

 External over temperature protection


 VDD over voltage protection

 Output over voltage protection

 Output short current protection (SCP) with

auto recovery

 Brownout protection with auto recovery

 Output diode short protection with auto



 AC TO DC Adapter

 AC TO DC Auxiliary Power Supply

 High efficency AC adapter

 Battery Powered Systems

 Battery chargers


 PD Adapter

 Wide output range adapters

 Set-Top Box Pwerr supply


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