• 发布时间:2023-10-30 17:31:53,加入时间:2023年10月17日(距今497天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»厦门:厦门市集美区杏林北路25-6号304室之5
  • 公司:福建众创高电气设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:林工,手机:15959449722 微信:gk18060908697 QQ:3549711439

GE VMIVME-7750是通用电气(GE)推出的一款**单槽奔腾 III SBC**,工作频率高达1.26 GHz,具有512 KB的SDRAM。它具有多种输入/输出功能,包括一个PMC扩展站点、双以太网和高达1 GB的CompactFlash。此外,它还支持多种操作系统,如微软的Windows 95、Windows 98SE、Windows NT 4.0、Windows 2000和各种基于Linux的操作系统。VMIVME-7750适用于多种应用,例如:电信、模拟、仪表、工业控制、过程控制监控、工厂自动化、自动化测试系统、数据采集系统和任何需要VME插槽的地方。

It is a * * single slot Pentium III SBC * * launched by General Electric (GE), with a working frequency of up to 1.26 GHz and 512 KB of SDRAM. It has multiple input/output functions, including a PMC expansion site, dual Ethernet, and up to 1 GB of CompactFlash. In addition, it also supports multiple operating systems, such as Microsoft's Windows 95, Windows 98SE, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and various Linux based operating systems. VMIVME-7750 is suitable for various applications, such as telecommunications, simulation, instrumentation, industrial control, process control monitoring, factory automation, automation testing systems, data acquisition systems, and any place that requires VME slots.​


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