SEW CFM90L-512473

  • 发布时间:2023-10-20 17:44:56,加入时间:2023年10月17日(距今497天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»厦门:厦门市集美区杏林北路25-6号304室之5
  • 公司:福建众创高电气设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:林工,手机:15959449722 微信:gk18060908697 QQ:3549711439
  • 报价:499/件

SEW CFM90L-512473通过使用预安装的DIN导轨安装或在外壳背面钻四个孔,该单元可以直接安装到控制柜的墙壁上,基本上,要连接的单元的空间排列没有限制MOVITRAC 07)。必须考虑到线路长度和网关必须安装在系统总线(SBus)的未端或开始的事实。出于这个原因,我们建议您考虑空间方面水户,如果使用DIN导轨安装选项与长度超过1m的SBus电缆一起使用,则UFP必须具有额外的容接地。UFP11A现场总线接口通讨符合en50170的9针sub - D连接器连接到PROFIBUS网络。t总线连接必须使用适当设计的插头来实现。

he unit can be insta ed cirecty onto the wa  ot a contro cabinet by using the preinsta ed DiN rai mounting or the tour driled holeson the back of the housing. asicallythere are no restrictions regarding the spatial arrangement of the units to be connectede.gMOVITRAC 07), The maximum line length and the fact that the gateway must beinstalled at the end or the beginning of the system busSBus) must be taken intoconsideration. For this reason, we recommend you take the spatial aspects intoaccount.The UFP must have additional HF-ompliant grounding if the DIN rail mounting optionis used with SBus cables of more than im in lenath.The UFP11A fieldbus interface is connected to the PROFIBUS network by means of a9-pin sub D connector in accordancewith EN 50170. The T-bus connection must beimplemented with an appropriately desiqned pluq.


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