
  • 发布时间:2023-09-28 10:39:54,加入时间:2023年07月14日(距今589天)
  • 地址:中国»天津»河东:中国 天津市 河东
  • 公司:特尔姆吊点(天津)技术有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:白女士,手机:18222126659 微信:b18222126659
  • 报价:99/件


TRM061 rotary hoist ring follows EN1677-1 standard;
1. The Swivel Hoist Rings use forged alloy steel diameter for high-temperature heat treatment, and the bolts and rotating main ring assembly are designed to ensure the quality of weak links
2. The rotating lifting ring can rotate 360 degrees, allowing lifting in any direction within a 180 degree range. The bolt body is marked with the allowable working load;
3. Compared to traditional lifting screws, the lifting direction of the 061 rotating lifting ring is not limited;
4. The rotating lifting ring solves the problem of traditional lifting rings being easy to loosen, and can also provide users with a 061 lifting ring wrench;
5. When installing the rotating lifting ring, please apply force according to the torque of the Telm lifting point.
TOREM Terme's full range of rotating lifting rings brand is used in fields such as offshore, power, shipbuilding, logistics and handling. Bolt and screw hole design, axial, angled, inclined, flipped design, anti loosening design for pressure bearing surfaces.
(There are many specifications, models, materials, and processes involved. If text, images, and value information are involved for reference, the copyright and interpretation rights of the images and text content information belong to Terme Hanging Point Company.)


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