广州全自动氩弧等离子环缝焊接机 运动平稳 无极调速

  • 发布时间:2025-02-12 11:36:35,加入时间:2023年07月26日(距今579天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广东省广州市南沙区东涌镇大稳村工业一街1-6
  • 公司:广州市通骏机械设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:邵小姐,手机:19925822618 微信:wxid-sj3pkyuknz1922 电话:020-37759419 QQ:460274771


THF Series Automatic TIG (Plasma) Circular Seam Welding Machine


1.  根据焊接工件的形状和尺寸可设计成卧式和立式结构;

2.  工件旋转由变频电机(或伺服)+减速机+三爪夹紧的驱动方式,运动平稳,无级调速;

3.  工件压紧、松开以及焊枪进退均采用气缸驱动,并且焊枪具有精密微动调节机构,以便焊枪与焊缝形成好方位;

4. 控制系统采用PLC或继电器集成化控制,操作界面简单友好,修改维护方便;

5. 可任意匹配各种类型弧焊电源(氩弧焊/CO2焊/埋弧焊/等离子弧焊)。

6. 主要用于不锈钢、铁、铝、黄铜等各种金属的圆形,椭圆形及异形的高质量环缝焊接

Main Features and Applications

1.According to the shape and size of each welding part, the machine can be designed as Horizontal Type and Vertical Type ;

2.clamp, travel steadily with step less adjustable speed;

3. Clamp axle and fixing system pressing down , releasing and retreat , welding torch’s action all are driven by

air cylinders , furthermore welding torch has been equipped with precision micro-adjustment mechanism to get

the best welding position;

4.Control system adopts PLC or Relay integrated control, reliable and simple interface , easily modify and


5. Apply to cooperate welding with TIG, MIG, MAG, SAW and Plasma-Arc welding source.

6. Mainly used for the high quality circular welding of round shape ,oval shape or special shape made with

stainless steel, iron, aluminum and brass, etc;

主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameters

额定输入电源        Input power supply

Single Phase 220V, 50/60Hz

电机功率            Motor power


气源压力            Gas source pressure


极大焊接工件直径    Max welding diameter


焊接速度            Welding Speed



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