
  • 发布时间:2024-05-01 00:00:00,加入时间:2023年08月21日(距今552天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市南山区粤海街道科丰路2号特发信息港E栋三楼3
  • 公司:深圳市乐众云科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:艾瑞儿,手机:15889789767 微信:xwid_y1v1rtek56a722


Founded in 2015, Shenzhen Lezoneyun Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech company committed to the research and development and production of mobile communications, intelligent terminal equipment and intelligent cloud systems Art enterprise.

乐众云自成立以来,本着“以质量创品牌、以品牌促发展、为员工搭建实现人生价值的平台”的经营宗旨,与广大 客户以及合作商共同发展壮大。

Since its establishment, Lezoneyun has been in line with the business purpose of "creating brands with quality, promoting development with brands, and building a platform for employees to realize the value of life", Customers and partners develop and grow together.


We carefully do every detail, responsibility in the heart, with the spirit of craftsmanship product development and production; With integrity, pragmatic attitude to provide customers with the best quality service.

1. 智能安卓手持机(扫码打印一体机)

Smart Android handheld machine (code scanning and printing machine)

2. 智能安卓桌面机(收银一体机)

Smart Android desktop machine (Cash register)

3. 智能安卓手持PDA(数据采集器)

Smart Android Handheld PDA(Data collector)

4. 智能安卓手持 RFID 读写器

Smart Android handheld RFID reader

5. 智能共享产品(共享充电宝、广告机、无人售货机、共享MIFI)

Intelligent sharing products (sharing charging bank, advertising machine, sharing e-cigarette, lottery machine, vending machine, sharing MIFI)


Bluetooth thermal printer


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