AP8232 DCDC同步升压芯片 升压恒压IC

  • 发布时间:2024-03-02 00:00:00,加入时间:2023年03月25日(距今700天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:广东省深圳市 宝安区宝源路名优工业产品展示采购中心
  • 公司:深圳市世微半导体有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘先生,手机:18923706103 微信:swAugus 电话:0755-29977358 QQ:3004855367

Description: The AP8232 series is a CMOS step-up switching regulator which mainly consists of a reference voltage source, an oscillation circuit, an error amplifier, a phase compensation circuit, a PWM/PFM switching control circuit. With an external low-ON-resistance Nch Power MOS, this product is applicable to applications requiring high efficiency and high output current. The AP8232 series switches its operation to the PFM control circuit whose duty ratio is 15 % with to the PWM/PFM switching control circuit under a light load and to prevent decline in the efficiency by IC operation current. Feature: Low voltage operation: Start-up is guaranteed from 0.9 V(IOUT =1 mA ) Duty ratio: Built-in PWM/PFM switching control circuit 15 to 78 % . oscillator frequency:300KHz External parts: coil, diode, capacitor, and transistor Output voltage range: 1.5V ~6.5 V Output voltage accuracy:±2% Soft start function: 2 ms. PACKAGE:SOT-23-5 Typical Application: Mobile phones (PDC, GSM, CDMA, IMT200 etc.) Bluetooth equipment PDA Portable communication modem Portable games Cameras Digital cameras Cordless phones Notebook computers ​


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