
  • 发布时间:2023-11-14 10:32:27,加入时间:2011年07月02日(距今4985天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市南山区前海路
  • 公司:深圳市君达电子有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:宋先生,手机:13691895131 微信:JD-Pking 电话:0755-86173511 QQ:584003063


符合 UL-510 规定,具有耐热性,可承受的额定温度高达 180℃,并符合加拿大的 CSA C-22-2 准则。   P-422 符合美国联邦标准 CID-A-A-59474A 和 ASTM D2686。 P-422 对美国波音公司规定的符合性已得到认可。 (BAC5034 型 Ⅳ/BAC5157/BAC5241/BAC5317/BAC5332/BAC5514/BAC5548/BAC5578/BAC5597) 该胶带的基材为聚四氟乙烯,具有良好的强度、延展率、耐化学性和耐候性,用途广泛,可用作飞机元件的线束和耐热遮蔽胶带。


P-422 has unsurpassed dielectric strength in volts-per-mil, coupled with an outstanding thermal rating and conformability.This tape is perfect for insulating connections in high voltage coils and power cables. This product is ideal for use in the aerospace and electrical industries .

Features:Chemically inert with excellent high temperature resistance.  Operates over a wide range of temperatures.  Impervious to most chemical attacks, including acids, solvents, fuels and most alkalies.  Economical with high performance features.

BACKING MATERIAL PTFE FilmAHDESIVE Cured SiliconeCOLOR GrayInsulation Class UL 356°F/ 180°CCertifications  Specifications ASTM D2686, CID A-A-59474ABoeing Specifications BAC 5034 Type IV, BAC 5157, BAC 5241, BAC 5317, BAC 5332, BAC 5514, BAC 5548, BAC 5578, BAC 5597 Imperial Metric Total Tape Thickness 3.9 mils  0.1 mmTensile Strength 28 lbs/in  49 N/10mmElongation 133%  133%Adhesion to Steel  26 oz/in  2.8 N/10mmDielectric Strength 10,500 volts  10.5 kV


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