
  • 发布时间:2022-07-18 11:52:57,加入时间:2019年11月12日(距今1947天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»佛山:佛山市顺德区乐从细海工业区14-2号之二海恒楼1楼
  • 公司:佛山市万庆物资有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:陈振军,手机:13392272434 微信:wanqingwuzi 电话:0757-28105037 QQ:1023870619



Invoice description: the current price does not include tax, invoice additional tax point, detailed consultation customer service!

Our company specializes in selling color coated plates (VCM coated plates, between 0.4~2.0mm and 1500mm).Can be used for heat pump air conditioning water heater tank shell and tank end cover, can also be used for chassis shell, water storage, electric water heater, gas water heater, products can be directly stamping molding, surface color, uniform luster, we have in the steel surface for rust, design and color treatment, you do not need to spray, ensure the quality of products, our product surface is suitable for heat pump air conditioning champagne gold, brushed silver.These two colors are the popular colors in the heat pump air conditioning industry today.At present, it has been used by Guangdong large heat pump air conditioning water heater production enterprises.Welcome the major water tank plants, heat pump air conditioning production enterprises, electric water heater production enterprises, gas water heater manufacturers and hardware processing manufacturers call to negotiate.


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